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What turns our gears here at TPO?

What turns our gears here at TPO?

How do we measure success?

Can success be measured in inches of antler?  How about number of wall hangers?  Each and every one of us that are lucky enough to chase game in the great outdoors have different definitions of success and sources of personal satisfaction. 

Sure that moment when your heart is pumping and your hands are shaking as you stare at a world class Iowa whitetail broadside at 30 yards is packed full of enjoyment and potential success.   However here at TPO our greatest source of satisfaction is the "How?" and "Why?" did that opportunity present itself?  What did we personally do leading up to that situation that allowed it to happen?  What can we do each and every year to get more opportunities like this? 

Success in our book is enjoying The Process regardless of what ends up on the wall.

What is "The Process"?

The annual end of whitetail season brings the beginning of The Process.  TPO breaks each year into 4 chapters of activities based upon season and habits of the whitetail deer on our farms.  These activities range from trail camera location, food plot prep, pursuit of other wildlife and the list goes on.  We will highlight each and every step and conclude the year with the opportunities that The Process created.  Here is a look at what you can expect as you follow along this year...

Join our Team!

Our goal is to take you with us on our journey each year and allow you an inside look at The Process as well as the amazing opportunities it creates for our team.  We hope to create an interactive environment with our followers where we can share knowledge as well as learn from all of you.  Content will be shared in many different forms across many different outlets so stay up to date with us through all of our social media.

Christmas in Summer: Whitetail Trail Cam Data

Christmas in Summer: Whitetail Trail Cam Data