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TPO Phase 1:  Searching For Survivors

TPO Phase 1: Searching For Survivors

The hunting season has ended... but The Process has just begun. 

  The whitetail hunting season lasts roughly 3.5 months.  The opportunity at a mature whitetail that you have been pursuing for 3.5 years could last 3.5 seconds.  Luckily for us... The Process is 24/7 365 days of the year. 


It is January in Iowa and The Process of the 2018 Iowa Deer Season has just kicked off.  The Process for us is broken down into four phases and we intend on walking you through them all this year.  These are the four phases of our process each year. 

1. Searching For Survivors

2. Prep, Practice and Play

3. High Anticipation 

4. Showtime

It is January 27 as I write this and it is time to focus on Searching For Survivors.  Essentially the idea of this phase is.... the season is over.... we are sad.... lets find out which deer made it through last year.  This phase lasts from season end to early spring and will be a crucial part of preparing for the next three phases. 

There are a few things we do every year during this phase that are both fun and play a huge part in creating the opportunities that we look forward to later in the year.

1.  Corn and Cameras

During the cold winter months we all know that crops are king.  Deer are worn down from the long rut and corn/beans provide them the much needed carbohydrates they need to make it through the tough Iowa winter.  That being said we routinely provide supplemental feed this time of year.  We will typically put out automatic feeders or simple corn piles in social areas of our farms to get deer on camera.

The main goals are:

  1. Establish inventory on deer you are familiar that made it through the season
  2. Establish inventory on "new" deer that may have been bumped into the area 
  3. Establish a baseline sex ratio for the coming year
  4. Monitor the progression of the upcoming shed season
  5. Provide supplemental feed to relieve stress and increase comfort on property

2. Shed Hunting

Another great activity during this phase.  Shed hunting has grown in popularity over the last few years and is a great way to not only figure out which bucks are calling you property home but also get a better understanding of how deer are using your property.

Getting out and walking your land this time of year can be a great way to pick up trails and really learn how deer are utilizing the natural terrain.  Snowy and wet ground give away natural deer movement much better than leave covered ground.  Walking your areas looking for bone dropped on the ground is a great time to realize which areas are natural avenues for deer movement.  We often look specifically near food sources and known bedding areas for sheds.  While we walk we will mark areas with tape that we think could be bedding areas and travel routes during the coming season.  Do not miss out on this time of year to take your family out and LEARN!


3. Trail Creation/Hinge Cutting

Identifying natural areas of movement is crucial this time of year... but sometime you have to take things into your own hands.  When there is no undergrowth and it is not scorching hot can prove to be a great time for some man made improvement efforts.

You will see us talk about entry/exit routes often.  This time of year is great to create routes to and from tree stand locations.  Terrain is easier to traverse and your ability to see is at an all time high.  Being able to get to your stand morning/evening without applying human pressure on the heard is one of the most important things we can do.  We are firm believers that controlling human pressure is the number one factor to a successful year.  

The goal is to be able to enter your stand and exit your stand without encountering deer.  Typically that means entering through the timber on a morning sit and exiting open areas or food.  On the flip side ideally you will enter your stand utilizing open areas and food sources in the evening and exiting through the timber.  It is natural for deer to be in food when its dark and in the timber when it is light.  Just remember to always do the opposite!

Take this opportunity to cut walking trails to and from your stands so that you can accomplish undetected entry/exit during the upcoming year.

Another great improvement practice this time of year is to hinge cut to improve bedding areas and create deer movement.  Find areas where you would ideally have your deer bed and make them as thick and nasty as possible by using your chainsaw to open up the canopy to promote undergrowth.  We have also found success by clearing a path through the timber toward your tree stands of food sources that you plan on hunting.  Deer will always take the path of least resistance when un-pressured.  Take advantage of this and guide them right to your stand.

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The Process is year round and we hope that you are just as excited as us to get the 2018 season under way.  Its starts NOW and there are plenty of ways you can start creating that opportunity of a lifetime come deer season 2018.

Good luck Searching for Survivors!!!

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